Unlike last week, in which Just Chatting, as so often, led the audience charts, this week the Special Events category made it to number 1 with an insane number of 1.74 million viewers. This week Special Events has an average of just under one million Viewers more than Just Chatting in 1st place last week. The drastic rise is explained by the stream from TheGrefg, who hosted the Spanish-language streamer awards on his channel. In the top 2-4, in the same order as last week, are Just Chatting (823,073), League of Legends (546,499) and Sports (505,833). In comparison, League of Legends and Sports lose some viewers in week 5, while Just Chatting can gain more viewers. The places 5-10 break down as follows: GTA V (468,396), Apex Legends (430,437), CS:GO (380,354), CoD Modern Warfare II (298,281), VALORANT (287,601) and Fortnite (275,248). This means that Minecraft, FIFA 23 and Dead Space are eliminated from the TOP10 in week 5.
There are almost no changes in the most popular games among streamers compared to week 4. Fortnite tops the list at number 1 with an average of 5831 streamers. After that, like me last week, VALORANT, CoD Modern Warfare II, Apex Legends, League of Legends, GTA V, Minecraft and CoD: Warzone will follow. There is only a change in 10th place, with Genshin Impact making room for Overwatch 2 with 1849 streamers. The average number of streamers in the top 10 games remains almost unchanged at 3721 compared to 3689 streamers in the previous week.
In week 5, TheGrefg catapulted to #1 with an average of 907,099 viewers. The big jump can be explained by the viewers who watched the Spanish language streamer awards he hosted. At its peak, the awards reached 1.73 million and an average of 1.47 million viewers. Behind TheGrefg is the first place of the past week with the kingsleague with 212,099 average viewers, clearly lagged behind. With significantly fewer viewers, the other streamers in the TOP10 are as follows: PaulinhoLOKObr, ElSpreen, auronplay, KaiCenat, ibai, Call of Duty, QuackityToo and Nix.
After the tremendous success of the Spanish Streamer Awards, it is not surprising that TheGrefg also takes first place in pure watchtime with 8.77 million hours. With KaiCenat, who reached 7.57 million hours, another "newcomer" is in the top 2. In third place is xQc with 2.8 million hours. As in the previous week, the channels of some e-sports leagues are again in the top 5. CS:GO with 2.5 million hours and the LEC with 2.4 million hours in 5th place. The other places are distributed as follows: PaulinhoLOKObr, Call of Duty, otplol_, Gaules and loud_coringa.